DHAMOIL.60 pearls of 705 mg


FISH OIL – 50% DHA, 10 % EPA

Bottle of 60 pearls of 705 mg



PRESENTATION: 60 pearls of 705mg

INGREDIENTS: Fish oil: 500 mg/perla (50% DHA and 10% EPA) 70.92%, Coating (Gelatin and Glycerin), Vitamin E: 5 mg/perla (D-Alpha Tocopherol) 0.71%.

TRADITIONAL USE OF ITS COMPONENTS: One of the main concerns in nutrition today is the quality and quantity of fats we eat. The current challenge is to achieve an adequate intake of essential fatty acids (EFAs), since the body is not capable of manufacturing them and we can only obtain them through food, which are found in fish, especially fatty fish. - Omega-3 fatty acids are polyunsaturated fatty acids, which include eicosapentaenoic acid or EPA and docosahexaenoic acid or DHA.


Its precursor is alpha linoleic acid (LNA), but its conversion into EPA and DHA is very slow and, for reasons still unknown, usually very low or absent.

Comparative studies of DHA and EPA have shown, among other effects, that it prevents arteriosclerosis, regulates blood pressure and acts on the immune system, exerting an immunomodulatory action. It has also been shown that in individuals with a high-fat diet, EPA decreased the level of triglycerides by 19% while DHA by 49%.

However, both EPA and DHA are necessary to prevent degenerative diseases. They are essential components of the cell wall structure, are necessary for the proper development of the brain, the central nervous system and the eye, and for the proper functioning of the immune, reproductive, respiratory and circulatory systems.

EPA and DHA are found in very high levels in breast milk, in order to meet the needs of newborns.

Why is DHA important?

Studies on DHA are relatively recent and new applications are still being investigated. What we do know is that it is an essential part of the cell wall, the brain, the eye, the central nervous system, and that its intake prevents a long list of health problems, especially degenerative ones.


Cardiovascular system

  • It regulates the levels of triglycerides and VLDL (very high density lipoproteins) in plasma, without the undesired effects of the drugs used for this purpose.
  • It regulates blood lipid levels and reduces the risk of cardiovascular problems in post menopausal women with or without hormone replacement therapy.
  • DHA raises HDL levels, popularly known as 'good cholesterol'.
  • Increases arterial vasodilation.
  • Reduces moderate arterial hypertension.
  • Decreases the risk of thrombosis derived from high levels of arachidonic acid: inhibits platelet aggregation, prevents arrhythmia and sudden death.

Brain, nerve tissues and vision

  • Sixty percent of the brain is structural fat, of which 25% is DHA. Its highest concentrations are found in:
  1. Cerebral cortex: outer part of the brain.
  2. Synaptic membranes: endings of neurons, where messages are transferred.
  3. Mitochondria of neurons: generate energy for cells and give life to the brain. Although the whole body is in contact with DHA because it circulates in the bloodstream, the needs of the brain are the highest and its function there is most important.
  • In the photoreceptors: a part of the retina of the eye that uses DHA as a conductor. The retina is the part of the body with the highest concentration of DHA, which is crucial for its formation in the fetus and in children. But since photoreceptors are renewed every day, supplementation with DHA is recommended also in adulthood.
  • It has been investigated that subjects affected by retinitis pigmentosa are unable to convert linoleic acid into DHA (Hoffman), so supplementation is recommended.
  • Individuals with dyslexia have problems with their retinas and difficulty processing visual information in the brain, so supplementation with DHA is recommended.
  • DHA is currently being used to slow down any degenerative process in the eye, including macular degeneration, cataract formation, myopia progression and glaucoma.
  • Schizophrenia.
  • Depression: A relationship between increased depression and decreased omega-3 EFA intake has been demonstrated. It should be noted that up to 45% of the fatty acids in synaptic membranes are EFAs, especially DHA.
  • Alzheimer's disease and senile dementia: In a study by the Department of Medicine of Gunma National University, Japan, it was observed that supplementation with DHA improved by 65% the symptoms of senile dementia and in Alzheimer's patients there was an improvement in speech, depression and other psychological aspects.

Adjuvant in the mental development of children during gestation, lactation and infancy.

Rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis

Asthma (allergic and bronchial) and allergies

Eczema, atopic dermatitis and psoriasis

Ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease and inflammatory bowel disease.

Immunity System

Diabetes: All hormones, including insulin and glucagon, control cells by stimulating the production of prostaglandins, which are composed of AGEs. If there is a deficiency of these (which is very common among diabetics), their production is interrupted, thus intensifying type II diabetes, even if sufficient insulin is manufactured.

High glucose levels in diabetics interfere with the ability to convert linoleic acid to DHA, which is important for the following reasons:

DHA (and EPA) improve insulin receptor function, thereby increasing insulin levels, which helps lower blood glucose levels.

DHA is an important structural component of the retina. Retinal degeneration is a common cause of blindness in diabetics.

DHA helps regulate blood lipid levels. A risk factor for the development of arteriosclerosis.

Use of fats to help us lose fat

Essential fatty acids (EFAs) can help us lose fat because:

  • EFAs increase our metabolism and energy production, while saturated fats slow down our metabolism, making it easier to store excess calories.
  • By increasing our energy we feel better and more active, which helps to increase our muscle tone, and more muscle tone helps to burn more fat.
  • EFAs are necessary for our body to manufacture prostaglandins of the 3 series, which acts as a diuretic. By eliminating excess water we make insulin work more efficiently in the body and we can burn more glucose to transform it into energy.

CONTRAINDICATIONS: Do not take DHA together with anticoagulants. The continued use of aspirin inhibits the enzyme necessary to assimilate Omega-3 fatty acids, which are very important to maintain an adequate level of lipids in the blood and to produce anti-inflammatory prostaglandins.

INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE: Take two pearls before meals, according to RDA.


Additional information

Weight 0,049 kg
Dimensions 4,9 × 4,9 × 10,1 cm


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